Nature and Animals
Released, oil on canvas, 24”x 24”
Constructed, oil on canvas, 12'“ x 12”
Protected, oil on canvas, 24” x 24”
Strutting Along, Yellowstone, oil on canvas, 12” x 12”
Renewed, oil on canvas, 24” x 24”
Just A Peek, Yellowstone, oil on canvas, 12'“ x 12”
Sheltered, oil on canvas, 24”x 24”
Alpine Poppies, gouache on paper, 6” x 6”
Linoleum Block and Serigraph Prints
Northern Flicker, limited edition serigraph print, 9” x 12”
Buffalo’s Roam, linoleum block print with chine-collé, 5” x 7”
Under the Tamarind Trees, linoleum block print chine-collé, 5”x7”
Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep, linoleum block print, 3” x 4”
Orion Spirit, linoleum block print with chine-collé, 5” x 7”
Colorado Mountain Goat, linoleum block print, 3” x 4”
I See Leaves of Green, linoleum block print & chine-collé, 5”x 7”
The Smirk, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”
The Watch, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”
The Grin, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”
The Chase, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”
The Dream, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”
Fawn and Squirrel, graphite on paper, 9” x 12’